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Numerology Cycles

Birth Path

The birth month, date, and year are added together to calculate the birth path. (1)

Personal Cycles

Personal Year

The personal year cycle of nine years that starts at the number of the birth path when a person is born and continues incrementally until year 9 when the cycle restarts from 1. Personal years are calculated by adding the birth month and birth day to the current year. (2)

Personal Month

Personal month cycles are calculated by adding the current month to the personal year. (2)

Personal Day

Personal year cycles are calculated by adding the current day to the personal month. (3)

Spiritual Birthday

This is a day that is equal to your own birthday. (4) (5)

Challenges and Pinnacles


There are four cycles that correspond to four challenges and pinnacles. The first cycle is found by subtracting the birth path from 36 [link explaining the importance of 36 needed here]. The second cycle starts at the end of the first and extends for nine years. The third cycle similarly starts at the end of the second and extends for another nine years. Finally, the fourth cycle begins at the end of the third cycle and extends through until the end of the native’s life. (6)


The first challenge is calculated by subtracting the month from the day. The second challenge is calculated by subtracting the day from the year. The third is calculated by subtracting the first and second challenges from each other. The fourth is found by subtracting the month from the year. (7) (8)


The first pinnacle is calculated by adding the month and the day. The second pinnacle is calculated by adding the day and the year. The third is calculated by adding the first and second pinnacles to each other. The fourth is found by adding the month and the year. (8)


The birth path and destiny numbers are added together to calculate the attainment. The attainment begins at the start of the first cycle of challenges and pinnacles. (1) (2)


Coming Soon.

Fate Cycles

Coming Soon.

Universal Cycles

Coming Soon.



By Octavia