Planetary Joys
This article displays a chart of planetary joys in astrology, which are the houses a each planet works best in. HousesPlanet1Mercury2 3Moon4 5Venus6Mars7 8 9Sun10 11Jupiter12Saturn
This article displays a chart of planetary joys in astrology, which are the houses a each planet works best in. HousesPlanet1Mercury2 3Moon4 5Venus6Mars7 8 9Sun10 11Jupiter12Saturn
Note: Although the Sun and Moon are not planets, in astrology, they are classified as such, in part, because planets were traditional regarded as “wondering stars, and in more modern…
Essential dignities and debilities refer to the relative strength or weakness of a planet in a given sign or degree. Whole Sign Dignities and Debilities Domicile, Exaltation, Detriment and Fall…